Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pictured above is an FP in the Brussels central train station. The domes are located at the entrance to the Eurostar - high speed train. The domes are installed to provide information and promotion for Eurostar services over their Eurostar News channel. The FP6030 provides directed audio with a small footprint. The picture was taken By Ron Vossen of Tau Audio in the Netherlands as he was on his way to London for the Plasa show.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Soundtube urun grubuna ,yeni SM31EZ satelitte speakerlarini ekledi.Tavsiye edilen subwoofer ise SM 1001P active 10"surface mount.SM31-EZ nin inwall ve ceiling mount versiyonlarida mevcut.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

JamesLoudspeaker EK'da

In Wall ve ceiling hoparlorler ile acik mekan seslendirme ekipmanlari ureten Jamesloudspeaker 2010 Temmuz ayindan itibaren Projecthouse by ek'da

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wanna/ W Funktion One

Dorrs grubun bunyesindeki Wan-na Levent Kanyon\un ust katinda yeniden acildi..

Monday, January 25, 2010

EL BESO/w Funktion One

Kurucesmede acilan ELBESO'da ziyaretcilerine bundan sonra leziz yemeklerinin yaninda hos muzik ziyafetleri'de verecek.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adana LAVA'da Funktion One

Adana'da acilan LAVA yemekleri kadar muzik ve guzel sound'dada verdigi onemi Funktion One secerek gosterdi.

FUNFATALE/w Funtion-One

Kurucesme'de Ottoman otelin yaninda acilan hos ve sicak bir bistro olan Funfatale 'de Funktion One sistemi secti.

Funktion One PUBLIC'te

Sishanede acilan Public'te Funktion One 'i secti.
Alt katinda bulunan ve ozel partilere acik olan club mekaninda 4 tane F88 hoparlor 2 adet F118 subbas ve bunlari drive eden 2 E25 amplifier 2x1250watt gucunde .Processor ve mixer de mevcut.Ust katta ise daha soft olarak dizayn edilen 8 adet F81 hoparlorler ile 2 adet MB 212 sub kullanilmaktadir.